

Software Engineer


Common Skills

JavaSctipt Vanilla.js + Modern ECMA Script + Build Tools (eg. Webpack, Grunt...) + Angular 1/2+ + Node.js + + TDD, DDD. E2E + ... more

CSS3/HTML5 Of course! + Current specifications and features + preprocessors eg. SASS/LESS, PUG

Other tools + Git + Agile (eg. Kanban, Scrum) +Waterfall + Jira, Confluence, TeamCity...

Misc GIT + Continuous Integration + DevOps + UX/UI design experience + Small team management ... more


Iridium Shield from 04.2018

Self Employer: Software and solutions delivery

GFT Poland Sp. z o.o. from 09.2015 to 04.2018

Software Engineer: JavaScript Development, product delivery,
building internal tools and team structure.

Tellyo from 07.2014 to 04.2015

JavaScript Developer: Bulding main company product from beginning
with many small applications around that. from 12.2013 to 08.2014

Front-end Developer: Building new features, redesign current
layouts, strong work at performance, Maintenance.

InlineDesign from 04.2011 to 05.2013

Full stack Webdeveloper: Making the web. Coder, designer, Wordpress lover.

Na2 multimedia from 11.2010 to 05.2011

Freelancer: Will do, what You want. Code'n'design.


Music: I'm an Vocalist and guitar player. Music == our engine!

Cooking: Like delicious food? Yeah! So make it!

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